Friday, June 26, 2020

Some usages of jstat


$ jstat -gcutil

This command shows utilization percentage of memory spaces of a java process.

S0: Survivor space 0
S1: Survivor space 1
E: Eden space
O: Old-gen space

GC activities

YGC: Young GC count
YGCT: Time spent by Young GC 
FGC: Full GC count
FGCT: Time spent by Full GC


$ jstat -gc

Find the current vm heap size by sum value under S0C, S01, EC, OC

More at

[Linux] Visualize parent - child process relationship

$ ps -axf -o pid,ppid,tty,stat,cmd

Credit: Orphan vs Zombie vs Daemon processes

Collectd PostgreSQL Plugin

I couldn't find this link when searching with google